iOS 11.3.1 Jailbreak Exploit Released By Google’s Ian Beer
Posted by 3uTools

As expected, and as specified previously, Project Zero’s Ian Beer has released the iOS 11.3.1 exploit in the public domain. Now, thanks to this collateral being out in the open, we can expect an influx of jailbreak-based activity to begin.

Ian Beer may keep himself relatively quite on a day-to-day basis but when he arrives with something for the community, he definitely arrives with passion, gusto, and an expertise which appears to be unrivaled at the moment in the jailbreak community.

iOS 11.3.1 Jailbreak Exploit Released By Google’s Ian Beer

It was toward the back-end of last month that it became public knowledge that this exploit was going to be released. And now, right in the middle of Apple’s huge developer conference, it’s finally here. In fact, given the fact that Beers works for a Google-owned company, and during WWDC is the time of release, it almost feels like a huge kick in the teeth to Apple. Not that jailbreakers will be too concerned about the timing.

And, of course, with the release of this exploit comes the immediate hard work by CoolStar on integrating the exploit into the Electra codebase in order to offer device liberation for iOS 11.3.1 devices. The developer has already confirmed that this release will be coming and that it will support iOS 11-compatible iPhone models up to iPhone X.

If you are excited about the release of this exploit but can really do nothing with it yourself, then you’ll be pleased to know that it really signifies the beginning of what is going to be the journey to a public jailbreak for iOS 11.3.1. There may be nothing that we as average individuals can do to use this new Ian Beer exploit right away, but there is definitely something that CoolStar can do as owner and developer of the Electra jailbreak.

iOS 11.3.1 Jailbreak Exploit Released By Google’s Ian Beer

In fact, CoolStar has already gone ahead and released a statement on Beer’s release and what that means for Electra jailbreak:

Re: Ian’s recent release. He has released an exploit for mptcp (requires dev acct), and a bug that requires an exploit to be written for it (doesn’t require a developer account).

Will try to get a hold of a dev account to get started, but for release dev acct isn’t too great.

If you are excited for that upcoming jailbreak then you will need to prep yourself and your device for the release. You can find our guide on that here.

Enjoy the release, wait patiently for the release of Electra, and enjoy that liberation when it comes. There are no timescales given yet but it’s probably fair to suggest that it will come sooner rather than later.

Source: @i41nbeer [Twitter])

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