Tim Cook Drops 43 Places in Employee Approval Ratings of CEOs
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Tim Cook Drops 43 Places in Employee Approval Ratings of CEOs

The latest Glassdoor report on the 100 Highest-Rated CEOs is out, and Apple’s Tim Cook has dropped 43 places to #96 in the rankings – based on employee reviews – only just remaining on the list at all …

It follows another huge drop last year, when he fell from #8 to #53. This year’s drop is the biggest of any CEO on the list.

Employees of companies are asked to state whether or not they approve of their CEO as part of reviews of their company as a place to work. Although Cook has fallen dramatically in the ratings over the two-year period, it should be said that a full 91% of employees approve of him as a leader. The average CEO approval rating across all companies reviewed on Glassdoor is just 67%.

Glassdoor told Business Insider that there were three reasons for employee dissatisfaction.

  • The culture of secrecy

  • High stress

  • A strict chain of command

However, none of these factors are new, all being long-established parts of Apple’s culture as a workplace, so it’s hard to blame any of these for the fall.

On the plus side, employees cited great people, good benefits and a fun environment as the main benefits to working for Apple. It’s worth noting that retail employees greatly outnumber corporate ones, so the majority of comments will reflect the in-store experience.

Source: 9to5mac

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