1. Download the Deb file and extract.
2. SSH into your device and copy the LocationChanger.app folder and all its contents into the /Applications folder in the root of your iPhone. Copy the LocationChanger.dylib and LocationChanger.plist into /bootstrap/Library/SBInject
3. Go inside the LocationChanger.app folder (current directory)
4. type in jtool --ent /bootstrap/bin/ls > platform.ent
5. edit platform.ent & add
6. type in jtool -e arch -arch arm64 LocationChanger
7. type in jtool --sign --ent platform.ent --inplace LocationChanger.arch_arm64
8. Now delete the older LocationChanger file and rename the LocationChanger.arch_arm64 to LocationChanger
9. type in uicache
That's it. You will be able to run LocationFaker from your homescreen now.
Source: textuploader